Sunday, October 10, 2010

How it all started..

2 years ago over the 4th of July I went camping. Within the next day or so I felt terrible. I was in the sun with blankets over me. I was shivering, and running a fever. I felt like I had the flu. I went to the doctor and I got tested for mono.. Which came back positive. So the rest of the month I was trying to recover from "mono." Well I never was getting better so that fall I went back to the doctor and he tested me for lyme disease, west nile, and other things. Which all were negative. I continued to always be tired, have a sore throat, ache everywhere, have stiff joints, and no energy. I got an MRI on my adrenal glands and an ultra sound to look at everything in my tummy. Everything was normal. Later that fall we went to the ear, nose, and throat doctor. She was thinking I had acid reflex. And put me on 4 Prilosec a day. Well after seeing no improvement with that. I stopped going there. That winter we found a chiropractor that was doing some home remedy food testing. We found out i was allergic to milk. So I was completely taken off all dairy products. In April I hurt my knee from club volleyball and then a few weeks later track.. I went on to having knee surgery that July. Repairing my meniscus. I went on going to LaCrosse, Wisconsin to the Allergy Associates to get my allergies tested. Nothing real significant came back so once again we were no farther. I remember my mom getting her hopes up that day.. Saying.. "you know Faith I think good things will come from this." I replied, "I'm not getting excited. I have got my hopes up too many times before and got let down." That January we went to the pediatric gastrointestinal unit in Iowa City hoping for results there.. Didn't happen. I started going to a counselor for depression, anxiety, and nervousness. Got on some medicine.. Which did help some. June of this year my mom happen to get a packet on lyme disease.. As she was reading it she was noticing that all of the symptoms that were listed were ones that I had. I got tested for lyme disease.. And sure enough it came back positive. Late August I started treatment for the disease. The doctor said it will be up to a year before I could be off of the medicine. My immune system is damaged and I have multiple co infections. At my one month appointment he changed my medicine so it wouldnt be so strong since I was having a hard time with the treatment. This makes the healing duration longer. These last few weeks have been hard. Each day varies. 

Last week I didn't go to school at all. I feel absolutely terrible. Who knows what this next week will bring.



  1. Faith, I am proud of you for getting this blog going. I think it will not only help us but others to understand what this disease is doing to you. I know that you will conquer this. You are a strong girl even if you don't feel that way at times. I love you and support you with all of my heart! Aunt Brenda

  2. You go girl! You know we are in this together, and we will win! I am so glad Sheila had this idea! It is a great way to educate and bring awareness to what LYME is all about. Hope you have a good week. Love ya, Aunt Dawn

  3. I love this Faith! You are an amazing girl with a story to tell. Can't wait to read more!

  4. Faith this is so great! I miss you a ton and hopefully I will be able to come see you sometime soon! I can't wait to here more from you. Love always, Larissa

  5. Faith, I don't know what you are going through because I don't have the disease but I do know it is taking a toll on you and it makes me sad not to see you every day at school. You are a strong girl, I know this from being your best friend since the 6th grade. I know you will get through this! I'm always here for you, even though you know that already. I hope you start feeling better!!
    I love you!!!!!!
    -Ashlen :)
