Tuesday, November 9, 2010

no comment this time..

sunday was such a wonderful turnout! we had over 100 people there. it was really emotional. hahaha. hopefully people became more aware of what is not only going on with us teenagers but with the community in general! my dad made copies of the seminar so if you'd like one.. talk to him! as for me.. hmmmm.. i am having a good day today! FOR ONCE! wooohooo. but i am really over tired. i couldn't sleep last night. bummer. i went to the chiropractor today and he said i adjusted really well today. so that's a plus. last night was kinda rough. i was really ornery and pissy. and i just didn't want to deal with anyone. i was sick of everything. after going to the ER i  had a great day afterward! want to know why? because i was taking some pain meds! not to sound like a druggie or anything. but i miss not having to be in pain allllllllllllllll the time.. 24/7 it really brought tears to my eyes how much i am really hurting and what it felt like to not hurt for a day or so.

thank you soooooo much for all the phone calls, cards, emails, thoughts, prayers, etc.. it is really amazing!
and like my mom said if there was ONE good thing that is coming from this whole experience is that i had brought my family sooooo much closer together!



  1. We are so proud of you for attacking this disease with such rigor. Keep up the fight! You will beat it!

    Thank you so much for sharing your story on Sunday - It may help someone there to see that some of the same symptoms you have they are having and hopefully they will get tested.

    God, Grant me the Serenity
    To accept the things I cannot change,
    Courage to change the things I can,
    and Wisdom to know the difference. Amen

    Faith, say this prayer to yourself several times a day and it will bring quiet peace to you.

    Grandma and Grandfather SLB

  2. You did a fantastic job, Faith. Keep talking to Dr. P about pain management as well as Depression & Anxiety. Those things are so destructive to your healing. I totally know what you mean about having pain go away and then when it comes back you realize just how much pain you were dealing with. Besides hurting, and making you TIRED, it's maddening! E-mail or call Dr. P and keep trying things until something gives you a level of pain that isn't so debilitating. *hugs*
