Thursday, November 4, 2010

this too shall pass..

Tuesday morning i woke up and i just didn't feel right. I ached all over. But i knew i needed to go to school to start my e2020 and we were going to volleyball that night. So i needed to make an attempt. I went to school for a few hours and got it all set up. I came home and just slept. I woke back up and i just felt worse but i wanted to go to the game. As we were walking in i just couldn't pick up my feet they hurt so bad. My dad said.. Ya know if my back didn't hurt so bad i would carry you.

So we got in and i sat by some friends for a few minutes in the balcony. I started hurting worse and everything was just going downhill. I went over by my parents and sprawled out on my dad and just rubbed my head and legs. I laid my head down on my mom and dads legs and just started bawling. It got to the point where i was screaming and my dad said.. "Faith we need to get out of here." So my adrenalin kicked in and stuff and i didn't want my dad carrying me out in front of everyone. So i walked to the top of the balcony stairs and just sat down. I hurt soooooo bad i couldn't walk. So my dad said.. "Get up Faith i am carrying you." It hurt sooooo bad for me to move like that. Dad carried me outside while he went and got the truck. I was screaming and bawling and i couldn't sit still. We were in Cedar Rapids for the game so Mom and Dad took me to Mercy ER. It took forrrrrrrreverrrr for the doctor to come. Dad rubbed my legs and feet. I kept saying i couldn't breath and i just couldn't get a deep breath. My chest hurt. I was having an anxiety attack. So finally they gave me a shot of morphine in the butt, and prescribed some pain meds to take. That seems to help me a lot and keeps the excruciating pain away. But about 25 minutes after i am sound asleep. It has been kind of a rough week so far.




  1. hang in there you bunches!

  2. Anxiety is a very powerful thing - and pain can really, really increase the likelihood of having a panic attack. Erica's Dad deals with that all the time. Let Dr. P help you with anxiety and depression, keep taking your meds so you don't have to re-herx, soak up all the love you've got all around you. If one day at a time seems to big, just go with one moment at a time. You can do it!! *Hugs*
