Monday, November 1, 2010


to be honest i just really am not caring. i feel absolutely terrible. all the time. something always has to hurt... BAD. there is never any relief. gaaaaaaahh. i miss my life. i want my life back! i don't want to constantly be in pain anymore. something needs to change. i am missing my friends. going to school everyday. i just have no motivation! no one understands me. i just feel like crying a lot. hmmmm.. if i could go to sleep and wake up in one year i would. i have this HUUUUUUUGE headache that just won't go away. my head is burning. my hands are freezing. my sleeping schedule is getting worse and worse. i either stay up all night and sleep all day.. or i just sleep all day long. no matter what my mom and dad do i can't get out of bed. i feel worthless because i don't do anything. i just feel like i am no one to anyone. like i am living this life but i am not really there. i am just wearing a mask and it's not really me.. :/


this week my segment of having lyme disease is coming out in the tripoli leader.
this sunday november 7th there is a seminar at the tripoli town hall.. 4:00. i will be speaking.


1 comment:

  1. The truth as it pertains to Lyme Disease is shocking. Lack of expected symptoms indicates that the infection is actually winning – it is not gone! The body fighting is what causes symptoms. So, if there are no symptoms, there is no fight. The infection has free reign and the immune system is not doing its job.

    ***Faith, I admit I do not know much about Lyme's disease and I am committed to learn more about this from you thru your experience - I did find this on the internet reading an article on Lyme's - Faith, YOU ARE WINNING this battle...You are fighting back...
