Wednesday, March 23, 2011

you know.. the usual.. *sigh*

i vowed to myself i am going to get better at doing this! i need too.

well.. january.. took forever. i got this test done called PANDAS. it stands for.. pediatric auto-immune neurological disorder associated with strep. (i hope thats right) dr. p thought this would be a test worth while. basically what it is testing for is seeing if your body has created antibodies against itself. that could be why i was resisting the treating. or not getting anywhere. february 15th i saw him again and the results weren't back. since november we knew that getting a picc line was an option since i went for so long not knowing what was wrong. insurance doesn't like me very well. har har. and they don't cover iv treatment very well either. we knew from the start that they would only cover about 28 days worth of iv treatment, if that! dr. p was trying to bide time and was going to try and wait another month.. i kind of put my foot down and said.. no i wanna do this now! i was thinking.. geeee this is MY time i'm wasting playing the waiting game. i am sick and tired of doing this.. LETS JUST GET THE SHOW ON THE ROAD. soooooo he said he would talk to the insurance and "get the show on  the road" hahahaha him and i go back and forth and flip each other crap throughout the whole appointment. mom said coming home from that appointment.. "gee faith if you and going to be in this great of a mood from dr. p then we are going to tell you we'll go see him everyday!"

so about a week later it was a tuesday i believe and insurance approved me getting this picc line. so i would get it in  wednesday at 3. well at 12:45 that day my mom called me and said.. faith.. we can't get the picc line. insurance is now denying you..

YEP! YOU GOT THAT RIGHT. they approved me one day and denied me the next.. lets just say the next few days at our house were filled with tears, anger, and frustration.. so what was our next step? yep we didn't know either!

dr. p tried wording it differently and got it so they would allow us to get it.. but we had to meet our deductible.. so basically we were paying for it ourself! and we couldn't get a home health nurse to come because we were going to get the antibiotics from a company in florida. sooooo exactly 2 weeks ago today i got the picc line put in. and please forgive me for this but.. IT WAS HELL! the guy could NOT get it in to save his life. he tried 2 times on my left arm and 4 on my right. i had NO pain medicine until he got the darn thing in  my vain. BOOOOO! :( i am able to do the treatments myself with a pump that the company sent. its pretty cool. this last week we saw dr. p and he said typically the 3rd week is rough. but on the 5th week i SHOULD be noticing a positive change.. so we'll see.. hope for the best.. prepare for the worst.

have a good week :) i am posting a picture of me doing my first iv treatment.

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