Thursday, December 30, 2010

i hate this so much.

i'm sorry i have been really slacking on this. i have had a pretty eventful month. and i know we are all hoping i get better. but it hasn't happened................................................ yet. i had a hospital stay for a few days. that was pretty scary. but i learned a lot and i've grown from that. i now am seeing a counselor every week. which is originally what we thought we were getting. but i guess that's where the system cheated us. on tuesday i was in grinnell again and we did some more blood work. to test and see if i had "PANDAS" it stands for.. Pediatric Auto-immune Neurological Disorder Associated with Strep. basically this is to see if my body had created antibodies against my brain and that's why my body is resisting treatment. as my mom and i got talking the other day we have figured out that i have probably had this longer than 2 years. which also plays a big factor than this. i had strep almost 10 times the year before. and i continue to always feel like i have it. if that comes back positive i will have IVIG treatment. i will be hooked up to an iv for 6 hours one day 6 hours the next and then once a month for 5 months. this also gives insurance proof to pay for all of this.. along with all the other hassles we are having with them. if it comes back negative then i will get a port in my arm and do treatment that way. either way it will be iv treatment. and insurance will only cover that for a month. unfortunately. we were suppose to start this in september but we didn't want to burn any bridges with the insurance. today we went to an oral surgeon. i am getting my wisdom teeth out a week from tomorrow. january 7th. if we can't get in sooner. nothing just never seems to quit with me.. *sigh*

i had a pretty decent christmas. and i am loving christmas break. having mom paige and dawson home. and when dad can be its even better! :) i have been feeling really crappy lately. but we should only have to wait a few weeks to a month for that test to come back.

thanks for the cards in the mail. (:


  1. Well Faith, it sounds like things are going to start looking up for you. The wizzies will be gone, and the IV will move things along too. You will beat this, I know you will. Every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day. Hang in you.

  2. My dear Faith - 2010 is now behind you and 2011 is here. I am hoping for good things for you this year when we can finally say that you are feeling better and the treatment they put you on is working! I have begun to hate Lyme as well! Your advocacy of Lyme Disease Awareness has brought awareness to many; causing them to get tested and treated! Keep up the good work! I am ready to see the sparkle in your eyes again! You are not alone on this journey. If you need to reach out, I am here for you as well as many others! Love you always and forever Aunt Brenda
