Thursday, October 14, 2010

"I will try again tomorrow"

Yesterday my mom and I took a little travel to Pella, Iowa to see Dr. Hauser. He is a adolescent psychiatrist that Dr. P wanted me to go to. I was really nervous to see him, I'll admit. But it went a lot better then I thought. We talked about the depression and how I need to get that under control. Because that is the thing that is going to control all the negative thoughts. So we adjusted my medicine and talked about some further treatment we can do in the future. 

That afternoon we had a meeting with the school.. It was very successful. All of my teachers attended.. Along with the principal, guidance counselor, AEA rep., and the athletic director. Kris Brunkhorst came to help my family and I out. She talked about my case a little bit and different things about Lyme Disease. We clarified that all cases of Lyme are different. :) The plan is going to be.. I will be doing my core classes online on this program called E 20 20.. To sum up what that is.. It is basically for kids with disciplinary problems.. In a sense. You do it and your own speed, and you get to control how much you do at a time. Perfect for me! I never know when I am going to feel good for an hour and then be sick for the next five. Technically I will be starting my sophomore year over since I've missed so much already. And then for the rest of my classes I can go up to the school when I am feeling good and get to see my friends and attend the rest of those classes. I am excited to see how this goes. Also, we will be putting together a 504 plan. 

As far as how I go. I feel like I am getting worse and worse. I don't know much more of this "being sick" I can handle. My eyes are getting worse. I can only see straight in front of me. Everything else is blurry or black. And I occasionally get floaters. As for everything else goes.. I just feel worse. My body hurts so bad today I am in tears. I haaaaaaaaate it!

Thank you again for the thoughts, prayers, phone calls, and everything else! It brings a smile to my face. -Faith Ashley..

October 17th (this sunday) at the Waverly Public Library they are showing the movie "Under Our Skin" - I would like to see you there! :)

As the day goes on I get worse and worse. I can't stand anything or anyone. And I am taking it out on my mom. I feel bad. *sigh* It's one of those days where I just want to cry. I want to be alone. On the bright side I do have an eye doctor appointment tomorrow morning. I really wish the people close to me would understand me and what I'm going through.


  1. Loneliness is about the scariest thing out there.”
    Joss Whedon

    YOU are NOT alone Faith....

  2. Faith, like Sheila said, you are NOT alone. Not everyone understands and infact at times it probably seems like NO ONE understands. Like I have told you before, I am not going pretend that I understand your Lyme but I do know what you are going through with the depression. Sometimes just to cry does make things seem better. We are all here to help you with this anyway we can.

