Monday, October 18, 2010

October 18th, 2010

Friday morning I went to an eye doctors appointment. They did a lot of tests just to see how bad my vision was. He couldn't see anything wrong with my eyes. No infections or anything. Which was good, but we still needed to figure out why I was having floaters and such blurred vision. So after talking about my history with the lyme disease he said an MRI on my brain was necessary. So we got in to get an MRI that afternoon. The reason for this was to see if anything was going wrong in my brain to cause the vision problems. That night it hit me.. This disease is causing me to lose a lot of things. School, my job, volleyball. After bawling for a few minutes I got it under control. Saturday I spent with family.. It was fun.. Just really tiring. Sunday we had the "Under Our Skin" movie.. I am happy that we bought it ourselves because I couldn't stay awake and I slept through the whole thing. Woops. Later that night I just wasn't feeling good at all. So today I stayed home. I feel TERRIBLE. Ugh it is the same things but WORSE. And I just want my knee to feel better already. It hurts! Hmmmm.. Another thing is my memory loss is getting worse. I can't remember names, or how to spell simple words.

Today is one of those days where I am just upset. I want this disease out of me! I just want to feel better and not have to do this anymore.

Thank you to all that came to the movie yesterday. It was greatly appreciated. Also thank you for the continued phone calles, prayers, e-mails, etc. :)



  1. Faith, I know we have only been friends for a short time, but I can tell you're a very strong person and you're a fighter. I'm proud of you girl! Keep hanging in there. :) Things will get better!

    You are in my thoughts and prayers! <3


  2. Faith, I'm sorry I didn't make it to the sister Linda went and she said she was glad she did.

    I was diagnosed with Lymes disease last year and can relate to some of your symptoms...however, not to the degree of what you have been dealing with and with that said, my heart and prayers go out to you. When you don't know why you feel the way you's tough! And it does seem like people do not understand...I am sure they do now!

    Keep fighting,you are an inspiration...keep praying....keep writing and know your family loves you!

    This blog has touched our hearts and raised our awareness..
    Thank you!

    Gina,Kent and Peyton


    Hi Faith, just want you to watch you!
